Everyone tells me that getting a job is a numbers game, and that eventually it'll all work out.
I'm starting to believe them.
Today I met with two potential employers. I wasn't sure the first one was a great fit for me, but they begged me to arrange a meeting with one more person before I made my final decision. The second meeting was a round-two interview for an organization that I'm VERY interested in joining, and (yes!) at the end he told me that I was definitely a contender, and that I'd be invited to interview with more people in his office next week.
(I'm told that there are employers who make a decision in one interview. I no longer believe that. It seems that everyone I talk to has a process that involves many rounds of interviews. I accept that and I guess I'm building up good practice for my interview skills....!)
And I'm having coffee with the VP of a major organization that I'm interested in, and I've got some other irons in the fire as well.
If it's a numbers game, I'm certainly adding up the numbers, and opportunities are abounding.
Lots of work left to do, but I'm doing it. Feeling great!
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